фото Moving Towards Productivity and Quality Excellence

Moving Towards Productivity and Quality Excellence

Подробная информация и способы доставки
This book provides the knowledge foundations and strategic directions to organizations aiming to move towards quality, productivity and business excellence. Through latest case studies and practical examples, readers will be guided from identifying and prioritizing the opportunities for improvement, measuring and analyzing the root causes, to eliminating the sources of the problems. Readers will also be exposed to the information technology used in the "Trilogy of Moving Towards Business Excellence". For example, moving towards quality excellence can be achieved through digitalization of ISO9001:2015 quality management system. In addition to dispensing with most of the paper work as well as the internal audit, it will also ensure that the key requirements of the latest version of ISO9001:2015 are complied with and executed effectively. Both the quality and productivity of the organization will be enhanced. Total Factor Productivity is heavily used to help organizations move towards productivity excellence. System integration is one of the key techniques used to achieve this goal. For example, when a high-technology operations system, such as BD, ECOM, FINTECH, AI, IOT etc., is integrated into HIMS-BEST, the organization will attain the 1+1=3 synergic benefit. It will achieve the organizational goals in addition to achieving the operational goals.
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